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Welcome to the Radnor Elementary School Library!

All RES students receive 50 minutes of library instruction each six-day cycle. The library curriculum is aligned with the Pennsylvania Core State Standards and follows the RTSD Board-approved Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Model Curriculum. Our three main units of study are Library Citizenship (including Reading), Digital Citizenship, and Research. The RTSD libraries utilize the Common Sense Education curriculum for instruction in Digital Citizenship.

"Just Right" Books

Are you wondering how to find a book on your child's reading level? Click DESTINY above to access our OPAC. While in the search screen, change the reading program to say "Fountas and Pinnell" then select your child's range in levels (for example, N-O). You can hit enter to do a keyword search or be more specific and enter a topic in the search screen and then hit subject (for example, sports, friendships, family, etc.) If you have additional questions, contact librarian Amy Piechotta in the RES library.

Birthday Book Program

The Birthday Book Program will offer you an opportunity to celebrate your child’s birthday and make a contribution to the library book collection. The Library will keep on hand a selection of books from which to choose. Participation cost is $20.

Learn More

RES Library Staff

Amy Piechotta

Library, Library - RES

Debbie Worthington

Library, Library - RES

Today in the Library

Online Resources for Students

Ebsco host
Noodletools logo
PowerKids Logo
PebbleGo Logo
World Book Online logo

Digital Citizenship

In RTSD, your child’s Library Media Specialist has the privilege of teaching digital citizenship to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. All lessons have been adapted from the Common Sense Media curriculum.

Listed below, you will find lessons covered in your child's library classes. Please be sure to review the content and objectives of each lesson in order to continue our Digital Citizenship dialogue at home. The entire scope and sequence can be found on the Common Sense Media website.