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Birthday Book Program

The Birthday Book Program will offer you an opportunity to celebrate your child’s birthday and make a contribution to the library book collection. The Library will keep on hand a selection of books from which to choose. Participation cost is $20.00.

Special recognition will be given to your student in Library Class, a birthday book plate will be placed inside the front cover of the book with the child's name and birthday, and the book will be placed in our special Birthday Book Display.  The child being honored will enjoy being the first to borrow the birthday book and students enjoy seeing their friend’s names inside the books. Participation in the Birthday Book Program is not obligatory.

To participate in the birthday book program simply complete the form below and return with your check for $20.00, payable to RES clearing fund, to the Radnor Elementary School Library.

Thank you for supporting the Library and celebrating your child’s special day in this meaningful and lasting way.

RE: Birthday Book Program

 I would like to participate in the Library Birthday Book Program:

Child’s Name: _________________________Teacher:____________
