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5th Grade

We want to make our 5th graders' last year at RES unforgettable, and we need a little help from you. Join us in celebrating the Class of 2032!

Spring Events - Save the Date!

May 14-16 - Camp Canadensis

During three days at Camp Canadensis , all RTSD 5th-grade students who register for the trip will participate in fun and engaging lessons taught by RTSD elementary staff. Look for more info in March and April.

June - End of Year Pool Party (date TBD)

An opportunity for students to celebrate with their classmates at a nearby community pool. The party is during the school day, with transportation provided between RES and the party.

June 11 - 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony

Fifth grade families are invited to attend a special ceremony at RES during the last day of school. (This date may change if there are adjustments to the school calendar)

Activities Fee

We are asking each 5th-grade family to contribute $85 to cover the cost of this year's 5th grade activities,  which include the Thrillz social, yearbook, end-of-year pool party, 5th grade recognition ceremony, and gifts. Financial assistance is available (see information below). Please complete the registration form and submit payment at your earliest convenience.

5th Grade Activities Registration

We Need Your Help

Interested in helping with 5th grade activities, yearbook,  or RES Musical Theater? We need parents of all backgrounds for a variety of roles. Sign up now or email the PTO for information.


5th grade activities are available to every RES student, and no student shall be left out of an event or activity due to financial need. Please contact school counselor Sarah Casey to confidentially discuss or request financial support.

Musical Theater

Program Advertising and Shout-outs

We're looking for local businesses to partner with us through an advertisement in the printed program! Learn more about availability and secure ad space today using the online ad form or hard-copy ad form. All ads must be received by Feb. 7.

Friends and family can also celebrate the hard work of the cast and crew by including a "shout-out" in the program book. Stay tuned for more details.

Cast & Crew Information

5th Grade Committee

The RES 5th Grade Committee, led by 5th grade parents, organizes activities and special events to celebrate our 5th grade students during their final year at RES.

Activities Co-Chairs: Danielle DeHoratius and Jenna Perkins

Yearbook Coordinator: Bonnie Silverberg

Musical Theater Committee

The Musical Theater Committee works with RES faculty and others to coordinate the school's annual musical theater show.

Co-Chairs: Suzanne Bowers and Sarah Lakin