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Kindergarten and New Families

We are so excited to welcome you to Radnor!

It can be tough to foresee the challenges moving your family may have on your life, particularly when you have been living in the same community and attending the same school district for a long period. For families changing school and community, it means leaving friends, a comfort zone, finding a place into new social and school structures - at times, with different standards and opportunities.

Children entering a new school, transferring to a new school mid-year, moving into a new country and learning new cultures will be confronted with various challenges during their transition and might have to bear significant strains. The goal of our RES PTO New Families Welcoming Committee is to help you and your child(ren) immediately feel part of our community. We want to offer you a vast source of information and support, and we always want to hear from you. Email us at to let us know how we can help make this the best school year ever. Welcome to RES!

New Student Registration

Radnor Township School District offers a remote registration process for students entering the district. To register, parents/guardians must complete registration online for each student joining the District and submit the required documents.  

RTSD REgistration Information

Specials at RES

Elementary students receive instruction in art, music, library, computer science/STEM, physical education, and wellness for 50 minutes once every six days. Learn about these special subjects and the specialists who teach them at RES, along with the counseling and nursing staff.

Helpful Information for New Families