Kindergarten and New Families
We are so excited to welcome you to Radnor!
It can be tough to foresee the challenges moving your family may have on your life, particularly when you have been living in the same community and attending the same school district for a long period. For families changing school and community, it means leaving friends, a comfort zone, finding a place into new social and school structures - at times, with different standards and opportunities.
Children entering a new school, transferring to a new school mid-year, moving into a new country and learning new cultures will be confronted with various challenges during their transition and might have to bear significant strains. The goal of our RES PTO New Families Welcoming Committee is to help you and your child(ren) immediately feel part of our community. We want to offer you a vast source of information and support, and we always want to hear from you. Email us at to let us know how we can help make this the best school year ever. Welcome to RES!
New Student Registration
Radnor Township School District offers a remote registration process for students entering the district. To register, parents/guardians must complete registration online for each student joining the District and submit the required documents.
Gearing Up for Kindergarten
Specials at RES
Elementary students receive instruction in art, music, library, computer science/STEM, physical education, and wellness for 50 minutes once every six days. Learn about these special subjects and the specialists who teach them at RES, along with the counseling and nursing staff.
Helpful Information for New Families
- Contact Information
- Daily Schedule and Attendance
- Closures and Remote Instruction
- Transportation and Dismissal
- Getting Ready for School
- Health Services
- Childcare
- Staying Connected
- Calendar
- Local Community
Contact Information
Radnor Elementary School (RES) Administration:
- Principal: Dr. Nancy Young
- Assistant Principal: Jon Smerecky
- School Counselor: Sarah Casey
- Secretaries: Susan McCaffery and Anne Von Hertsenberg
- Main Office: 610-788-9300
Radnor Township School District (RTSD)
For all information regarding the school district e.g. Transportation, Administration, Community etc., please refer to RTSD website
RTSD Central Office Administration
135 S. Wayne Ave, Wayne, PA 19087
Telephone: 610-688-8100
Administration Staff Directory
RTSD Transportation
Telephone: 610-293-1947
Department webpage
Visiting School Premises
All visitors to RES must ring the front doorbell and be buzzed in to register at the front desk. Please have your driver’s license or photo ID ready to generate your visitor badge.
Daily Schedule and Attendance
RES Daily Schedule
8:45 a.m. Student Drop-Off Begins
8:55 a.m. Students Enter Building
9:05 a.m. School Day Begins
3:40 p.m. Student Dismissal
3:40 p.m. Car Line Begins (we ask parents not to arrive before 3:30 p.m. for car line dismissal)
3:50 p.m. Buses Depart and Car Line Concludes
For additional information on Arrival and Dismissal Procedures, review the Elementary School Handbook
Going to be Late? (After 9:05 am)
Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. are considered tardy. For more information, see Tardiness on the district's attendance information.
Please send an email or note as early as possible (preferably by 9:00 a.m.) to your child's classroom teacher, the Building Administrative Secretary (, and the Principal's Administrative Assistant (
If you cannot provide a note or access email, you may call the office at 610-788-9300 (leave a message if before 7:30 a.m.).
Early Dismissals
RTSD recognizes that our families have busy schedules but ask that early dismissal be used only for appointments or necessary reasons to the greatest extent possible.
Please try to avoid last-minute notifications or pickups between 3:20 p.m. and 3:40 p.m., as the office is bustling at this time, managing nearly 600 children at dismissal.
Please submit early dismissal notes as soon as possible (by 9:00 a.m. preferred) but by 2:00 p.m. at the latest for any last-minute changes to avoid disruptions to instruction (late notifications require staff to call the classroom and disrupt teachers).
Absence Due to Illness
If your child will be absent from school, please send an email or note as early as possible (preferably by 9:00 a.m.) to your child's classroom teacher, the Building Administrative Secretary (, and the Principal's Administrative Assistant (
If you cannot provide a note or access email, you may call the office at 610-788-9300 (leave a message if before 7:30 a.m.).
An excuse note is required within three days of any absence, but if your original reporting method is via email, that is sufficient.
Please also notify Before & After Care of absences, if applicable.
For more information, see Absence on the district's attendance information.
Absence for Family Trips/Educational Tours
If you wish to take your child out of school for educational travel, please submit the Pre-Approved Educational Travel form. Families are granted 5 approved school days per school year. For days 6-10, pre-approval by the building principal is necessary and only approved for extenuating circumstances.
Find more information on Absences for Family Trips/Educational Tours (and download the request form).
Closures and Remote Instruction
School Closing Information (including snow days and remote instructional days)
For all information regarding school closures, delays, snow information etc. please refer to the Closures and Remote Instructional Days webpage
Delayed Openings
In the event of a two-hour delayed opening, school/bus pick-up will begin two hours later than the normal starting time. Lunches will be served.
Transportation and Dismissal
Students are assigned a bus at the beginning of the school year or upon enrollment if during the school year. Information will be sent at the end of August with the bus numbers and stop locations. For any issues, please call the RTSD Transportation Department: 610.293.1947 or refer to the Transportation Department webpage
‘Car-riders’ - Car drop off and pick up
For students not using the bus, drop off takes place in the car loop by the gym entrance, between 8:45am and 9:00am.
The afternoon car line dismissal is at 3:40 pm. For the safety of our K-2nd grade children on the playground, we kindly request that you refrain from arriving before 3:30 pm. Placing a paper with your family name on the front windshield will help expedite the process. We appreciate your cooperation in refraining from requesting early dismissal between 3:15 pm and 3:40 pm to avoid the car line. Please also note we do not have access to the corporate center parking lots for dismissal procedures.
Please review the car line procedures and contact the school office with questions.
‘Walkers’ - Walking your child to school
Please be mindful not to cross the bus zone if you are walking to pick up your child. Our bus traffic has priority, and we want to keep everyone safe.
Change in pick up plans for your child
All dismissal changes require parental notification. Send a yellow "note to school” (see below) in with your child on the day if you know in advance otherwise call the school office at 610-788-9300 as early as possibly and no later than 2 p.m. Please also notify After Care for changes in plans, if applicable.
Most importantly, please ensure your child's teacher knows about after-school dismissal plans, especially if they differ from the norm.
"A Note to School" pads
These are a 50-page pad of yellow flyers to inform teachers of changes with your child regarding dismissal, leaving early, being picked up by someone else other than a parent/guardian or needing to speak with a teacher. You will receive one pad on entry to the school; more can be purchased from the PTO.
Getting Ready for School
Your Child’s Teacher and School Supplies
Families are notified by mail at the end of August of their child’s teacher assignment and via email through HAC (Home Access Center). You can contact your child’s teacher by email. Staff are listed alphabetically on the Staff Directory on the RES website.
The RTSD website will provide general supply lists by school and grade level, and your child’s teacher may request some additional supplies.
School Lunches, Snacks and Water
RES offers breakfast and lunch options for students to purchase, or students may pack a lunch. Weekly menus are posted online. Digital pre-paid accounts for purchasing meals are created for each students, and parents/guardians are encouraged to register with EZSchoolPay to fund these accounts. See the Food Services page
Families who may be eligible for meals at a free or reduced cost are encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced Meals application on the Food Services page. In addition to the free\reduced meal pricing approval entitles students to other opportunities, including fee waivers and discounted home internet.
Water fountains are found at regular points around the school site. Your child’s teacher will provide guidance on suitable snacks for consumption at recess/in the classroom, to ensure children with allergies are kept safe.
Health Services
Emergency Medical Card
An Emergency Medical Card for each student is required yearly and kept on file with their health details. This is sent home in the First Day Packet for completion.
Absentee Cards
The RTSD official Absence Excuse Card must be completed following your child’s absence from school due to illness or a medical issue. They may be obtained from the school office or downloaded from the RTSD website Cards should be submitted within 3 days of your child's return to school.
For all information regarding required Physical and Dental Exams, Immunizations, when to keep you child at home, Emergency Cards etc., please visit the RTSD Health Services webpage
School Nurses
If you would like to talk to the RES certified school nurse/s, please call 610-788-2363. They will be happy to discuss specific health concerns and are accustomed to working with children with allergies, diabetes and other ongoing health challenges. The RES Health Office (nurses’ station) is located next to the main school office.
RES Before and After School Care
For parents requiring childcare before 9:00 AM or after 3:30 PM, there is an extended day program. This program is operated by Right At School (find general information or RES-specific information).
It offers childcare for students in kindergarten through fifth grades before and after the school day. Transportation is the responsibility of parents. The extended day program opens at 7:30 a.m. and extends to 6:00 p.m. after the close of the regular school day. Fees are charged for this childcare program, which includes both part-time and full-time arrangements to meet the needs of the families served. Visit the Right At School website for details, fee information, and enrollment forms.
Staying Connected
Resources to Keep Parents Connected
Please register with the following to ensure you stay informed with school, PTO and district news. Please register even if you enroll later in the year.
Membership Toolkit – Online Student Directory
We encourage all families to be part of the PTO communication app, Membership Toolkit. This system is used for PTO emails, an online student directory, and classroom communications. Please register as a new family or update your existing details. Visit the Membership Toolkit FAQs for details on how to enroll.
RES PTO Website
Check the PTO webpage regularly for Recent Announcements, PTO upcoming events, district events etc. Find out about Club registration, Committees and groups you can join, Radnor Spirit Gear, RES merchandise, Fundraising and Donating.
RES Facebook and Instagram pages
Join our Facebook page (private group for RES families only) or Instagram page for updated alerts and information. Contact for more information.
RES Express Newsletter
The RES Express is emailed 1-2 times a month and filled with all of our RES PTO news, information on upcoming events, and district happenings. Families that are registered in Membership Toolkit (see info above) are automatically enrolled in the RES Express subscription.
The Radnor Reader - The RTSD weekly E-Newsletter -Sundays
Subscribe for free to the Radnor Reader. The Radnor Reader will keep you informed about events, news and other happenings going on within RES and the other RTSD schools. There is a Radnor Reader Archive list on the RTSD website under Popular Links should you want to refer back to past communications.
PTO meetings
The PTO formally meets 4 times a year to discuss the PTO, our school, district news and business. We aim for 1-hour meeting and all RES parents are encouraged to attend. Your feedback is vital to the growth and success of our PTO.
School Spirit Wear
Students join in a school-wide spirit-day celebrations throughout the year. Follow the channels noted above for updates on when students are encouraged to wear RES spirit wear clothing (e.g. t-shirts, hoodies, etc.) or other special outfits. Radnor Elementary spirit gear can be purchased through Silver Linings. The store also offers a wide range of Radnor items, outerwear, bags, novelty items etc.
Make sure you keep your schedule up to date using the online calendars below.
Families can also add these calendars to your smartphones and digital calendars using iCal feeds, to ensure you never miss an important event:
- RTSD Instructional Calendar - district holidays, teacher in-service days, etc.
- Standard iCal URL:
- Google iCal URL:
- RES Calendar - RES school and PTO events
- Standard iCal URL:
- Google iCal URL:
Learn more about adding iCal feeds to Google Calendar, iOS, Outlook, and more.
RES PTO Annual Events
RES PTO strives to create a community not just for the children, but also for families as well. The PTO is involved in hosting and supporting a wide range of events throughout the year, we offer many events that include everyone. These broadly feed into 4 categories: Family Fun Nights, Fundraisers, Parent socials and School Led Events. Please note that all events are subject to change.
More details on upcoming events can be found on the PTO webpage
- August/September: Kindergarten Playdates & bus orientation
- September: Open Houses
- September: New Parent (grade 1 to 5) Parent Social
- September: Back to School Picnic
- October: Halloween Parade and class parties
- October: Trunk or Treat
- October: 4th Grade Circus Week
- November: Book Fair
- November: Whole School Cultural Arts Assembly
- November: American Education Week Parent Visitation Day
- December: 3rd Grade rocks & minerals assembly
- January: RTSD MLK Day of Service
- January: RTSD International Week and RES Potluck Dinner
- February: Family Fun Bingo Night
- February: Read Across America Day & Dr. Suess’ birthday celebration
- February: Class Valentines Parties
- March: 5th Grade Spring Musical
- March: Art Goes to School Radnor Chapter delivers sessions at grade level
- March: Science Joe visits grades 1, 2 & 4
- March: Science Fair
- April: Mother Goose Assembly for Kindergarten
- April: Betsy Ross Assembly for 1st grade
- April: Someone Special Game Night
- May: Field Day
- May: Talent Show
- May: 5K or 1 mile SMART Run
- May: Camp Canadensis for 5th Grade
- May: Walk to Wayne for 3rd Grade
- June: PTO End-of Year celebration
The RES PTO is committed to ensuring no students are left out of an event or activity due to financial need. Please contact the RES School Counselor to confidentially discuss or request financial support.
Local Community
Note: This section of the Welcome Packet provides just some of the many options available in our community for activities outside of school. The RES PTO is not promoting or suggesting that any of the providers are preferred.
Know an organization we should add to the list? Let us know.
Sports and Activities
Radnor Wayne Little League (Baseball & Softball)
Radnor Aquatic Club (Swimming & Diving)
- Contempra Dance
- Wayne Ballet
- YMCA, Berwyn, PA
Summer Camp
Radnor Traditions
For all things Radnor visit
- August: Unity in our Community, Wayne
- September: Wayne Business Association Fall Festival, Wayne, PA
- October: Fall Harvest and Great Pumpkin Patch, The Willows
- November: Radnor vs. Lower Merion high school football game, Encke Field (RHS)
- December: Christmas Tree lighting on N. Wayne Avenue, Wayne, PA
- May: Memorial Day Parade, Wayne, PA
- June: A Taste of Wayne: Street fair with vendors and restaurants. Wayne, PA
- June/July: Free concerts in parks throughout Radnor. Check the Radnor Parks and Rec webpage for the schedule.
- July: 4th of July parade in Garrett Hill
Places to Go and Shopping Essentials
Parks and Recreation
The Radnor Township Park System includes 25 parks, containing both active recreational amenities, such as playgrounds and athletic fields, and passive recreational features, like scenic views and natural landscapes. The Radnor Park System offers a number of activities such as painting, walking, hiking, roller/in-line skating, picnicking, kite flying, sledding, reading, and playing tennis or basketball are encouraged at the residents' leisure.
Please visit the Radnor Parks and Recreation webpage for the list of parks, amenities and their locations.
There are 3 main libraries in our area open for public use. You just need to obtain for one library card in any library first and then take your card to the other one.
- Radnor Memorial Library, Wayne
- Ludington Library, Bryn Mawr,
- Tredyffrin Public Library, Strafford
The center of Wayne houses great little stores to shop if you are looking to shop without the hassle of going to the Mall. From clothing stores, toy stores, sporting goods stores, salons, spas, restaurants, etc. Everything you will need, you can find here and along the Lancaster Avenue. In addition, Suburban Square (outdoors) and the vast King of Prussia (KOP) Mall have endless shops for everything your heart desires and essentials you need. If you are looking for discounted goods try the Outlets. See our list below of shops/local branches to get you started:
- Center of Wayne / Wayne Business District Cross Sections of Lancaster Avenue & Wayne Avenue
- Suburban Square, 6 Coulter Avenue, Ardmore, PA
- King of Prussia Mall, 160 N Gulph Road, King of Prussia, PA
- Philadelphia Premium Outlets, 18 West Lightcap Rd, Pottstown, PA
- Target, 160 W Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA and 704 W Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA
- Walmart, 275 N Gulph Road, King of Prussia, PA
- FiveBelow, Gateway Shopping Center, 147 E Swedesford Rd, Wayne, PA and 309 Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA
- Staples, Gateway Shopping Center, 145 E Swedesford Rd, Wayne, PA or 755 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
- HomeGoods, 550 E. Lancaster Ave, Saint Davids Square Shopping Center, St. Davids, PA
- Home Depot, 181 S Gulph Road, King Of Prussia, PA
- Bed Bath and Beyond, 224 W Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA
- IKEA, 400 Alan Wood Rd, Conshohocken, PA
- Giant (Grocery Store), 550 E Lancaster Avenue, St Davids, PA
- Whole Foods Market (Organic Food store), 821 Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA
- Wegman’s (Grocery Store), 1 Village Drive, KOP, PA
- Acme (Grocery Store), 700 W Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA
- Trader Joe’s, 171 E Swedesford Rd, Gateway Shopping Center, Wayne, PA
- Moms Organic Market, 1149 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA
- Lancaster County Farmers Market, 389 Lancaster Avenue, Wayne PA
- CVS Pharmacy, 316 East Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA or 1218 Lancaster Ave, Rosemont, PA 19010
- Rite Aid Pharmacy, 237 Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA or 644 West Lancaster Ave., Wayne, PA
- USPS Post Office, 104 S Wayne Ave, Wayne, PA
- UPS Store, 303 W Lancaster Ave, Wayne
We can always help you further - just ask!
How can I find a dentist or pediatrician, babysitter or childcare for my child/children? I have further questions about the greater Philadelphia area, Radnor Sports, summer camps, where to purchase items I need etc., is there anyone who can help me?
For specific questions regarding medical providers or community information, please feel free to contact one of our Welcoming Committee members. We are happy to field your specific questions and provide you with helpful information. GOOD LUCK!