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Before and After School Care

Before- and after-school care for elementary students is provided by Right At School on-site at the district's elementary schools. The program takes place in a student’s home school directly before and after the school day.

  • Before-school care runs from 7:30 a.m. to the start of school.
  • After-care runs from the conclusion of school until 6 p.m.
  • Parents/guardians must transport students to school in the morning for before-care and must pick them up in the evening if they attend after-care.


  • Right At School's programs provide students with enrichment activities that extend learning in a fun and meaningful way as well as opportunities for students to take on projects, develop peer leadership skills, get outside for fitness, and explore personal interests.
  • Right At School’s curriculum is aligned to state standards and engages students in multi-sensory, multi-intelligence learning. Children will experience fun-filled programs focused on building their creativity, conditioning, character and confidence.
  • Programs run every day school is in session, registration is flexible, and scheduling is convenient. All programs take place in the comfort and safety of RTSD schools. 
  • Right At School provides discounts for siblings, students receiving free and/or reduced lunch, military families, and staff members.
  • State subsidies for low-income families are accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)